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WRF Large Deep Bowl in Black
WRF Large Deep Bowl in Mist
Join the WaitlistWRF Large Deep Bowl in Ash
WRF Medium Deep Bowl in Black
WRF Medium Deep Bowl in Mist
WRF Medium V-bowl in Mist
WRF Medium V-bowl in Mist Sale price$37.00
WRF Small V-bowl in Mist
WRF Small V-bowl in Mist Sale price$28.00
Ariel Clute Organic Vessel No. 50Ariel Clute Organic Vessel No. 50
Erica Tanov x Sarah Kersten Petite Bowl in InvernessErica Tanov x Sarah Kersten Petite Bowl in Inverness
Ceramic Mixing Bowl with SpoutCeramic Mixing Bowl with Spout
Set of 2 Soapstone Salt Cups and SpoonsSet of 2 Soapstone Salt Cups and Spoons
Lee Miltier Hand Blown CarafeLee Miltier Hand Blown Carafe
Silver Plated Candy DishSilver Plated Candy Dish
Silver Plated Candy Dish Sale price$128.00
Fluted Edge Jam SpoonFluted Edge Jam Spoon
Fluted Edge Jam Spoon Sale price$68.00
Silver Dessert CoupeSilver Dessert Coupe
Silver Dessert Coupe Sale price$58.00
Reed & Barton Tea and Coffee SetReed & Barton Tea and Coffee Set
Ornate Silver PitcherOrnate Silver Pitcher
Ornate Silver Pitcher Sale price$110.00
Mid Century Teak and Stainless Steel Carving Set by Jens QuistgaardMid Century Teak and Stainless Steel Carving Set by Jens Quistgaard
Silver Plated Coffee PotSilver Plated Coffee Pot
Silver Plated Coffee Pot Sale price$90.00
19th Century Silver Ladle19th Century Silver Ladle
19th Century Silver Ladle Sale price$95.00
Bone Salt Cellar & SpoonBone Salt Cellar & Spoon
Bone Salt Cellar & Spoon Sale price$18.00